

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Thelma & Louise left the garage.....................

......................... and arrived home and parked in the driveway in one bit!!!!

Yes - Louise got the car on friday. It's even nicer than i remembered and i'm still proud of her!

We left home @ lunchtime and headed off to the station - we met Colleen, my cousin's daughter while waiting for the train. Or rather - she came down the ramp, jumped on me and scared the living daylights outta me!!!
These youngsters - think it's a hoot to scare us oldies half to wotsit!!!

We found she was heading the same direction as us and it was a very pleasant 20 minutes or so catching up on the goings on in our family and hearing how they're all doing!
This, you will understand is the part of the family i actually talk to!!

So off Colleen went with dire warnings to stay indoors lest we slither to a halt in front of her!!

When we got to the garage, we completed the paperwork, Louise's card went into meltdown as she paid the balance of the car and said car was brought round for us.

Gulp. Much as my daughter had put me on the insurance, i haven't driven for soooooo long, i was beginning to wonder how much use i would actually be. The words teapot and chocolate came swiftly to mind!!!
The guy went over the basics and said to phone if we had any problems.

We decided to go off to Costco and bought a few things and a wander round.
Got what we needed and headed back to the car.
This is where we both had a blonde/ditsy moment. I am under pain of a long and sore death if i ever tell what it was and we nearly did have to phone the garage to find out what to do. But luckily we found what we needed in the handbook - eventually!!!!

Headed home and Matthew gave me into trouble - cos i phoned him!! Technically i'm in charge of the car cos Louise had the L plates on and i shouldn't use the mobile while the car is moving. Bladdy blah - ok, i did wrong.

Got home and Louise drove into the driveway.

Mathew tried hard not to look overly impressed, but he was!
We then headead off to pick Paul up from band practice. We went to Asda so Louise could pick up some food for taking to work. We suspect we went the wrong way round the car park!! Our excuse is that it was dark and the car park was not well signed!!!!

Louise asked if she could drive the car to work the next day.
THis, in theory was fine. But it meant a lot of planning. Peter had his art class. I would have to take him home after and then head back out to ge Louise to do her return journey. If it had just been a drop off, i possibly would have driven home, but i dare not park in town on a busy saturday afternoon!!!

So off we went just after noon. Lou had got direction from google, we altered them slightly and we had a dose of back seat driver from Peter.
All went well till we crossed over the river and promptly missed a turning and got hopelessly LOST. There are tons of roadworks and streets closed off because part of a link motorway is being built.
So we managed to stop and ask directions.
We got part of the way and got lost  - again!!!

So we stopped and asked directions again!
To be fair, we weren't too far out - it was the unfamiliar roads. Ns the volume of traffic. What we didn't know was that there was a footie match at Hampden Park till we were over that way and saw the police loitering at various bits and the helicopter overhead!!!!

We did get Lou to work - eventually! THe mum was laughing when we told her, but she said she was proud of Louise driving.
THe story of getting Peter to his art class is also a saga, but not one to tell just now. We had planned to go to the Disney shop, but by the time i got Peter from the class, i decided we didn't have much time - i had to get him home, get him, Paul and paul's girlfriend fed and head back out to meet Louise.

The return journey was less traumatic!! (couldn't have been worse!!)
Actually - by this time, Lou was driving like an old pro!!!! We thought we were going to hit a street where only buses and taxis can go. Then Louise says "oh, CHris always goes along this street up here to park the car for work" and them whumph - a street appears that i had no idea existed and she turns into it!!!

That's my girl - full of surprises! and a much better more confident driver that i ever was!!!!!

The car was left at home today - she reckoned it wasn't fair asking me to take her to work today!!
But we're going to go out tomorrow, need to get petrol and surprise her dad at just how good she is!

We have promised Peter we'll pick him up from college one day and all thoughts are now being turned to where we can venture in said car.

Look out world - here we come!!!


  1. Think this is definitely going to turn into a road movie!

  2. lol - but we're not heading off a cliff!!
    Maybe slither into portree square one day!!
    Tell your dad to rev up ans we'll race to the coop!!!

  3. Congratulations on the new car but you need to purchase one more thing. A GPS to help you get where you are going. Since I got one I would not leave home on a trip without it. Much better than trying to follow directions printed out from the internet. They are not really that expensive which helps.

  4. and the adventure begins!!! Well done Louise on the purchase of the car and freedom awaits :)

  5. The GPS will come at some point!!
    Only trouble at the moment is that Lou can't drive withoput me there or on the motorway cos she hasn't passed her test yet.
    Ah well - all adds to the fun! THere is a new bit in the test where they gey asked to drive to a place without the examiner giving them directions - so our adventures will help that!!!
