

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Get me the space police...............

...............The way my day is panning out, i need a break in a cell somewhere with Stitch to help make me laugh!!!

My tumble drier decided to die today.
Not just wimper and slug along to a quiet death.
No, it was a very loud clunk, clunk, clunk - honestly - i thought some footie team was doing target practice on the outside wall!!
And the stuff in the damn machine was still damp, so it is now strewn over radiators and a clothes horse. I hate that cos i can't get moving for wet clothes and the drier ALWAYS breaks down when it's mid winter and freezing outsode, or mid summer and it's raining.
Welcome to the country of 2 seasons.
Freezing and wet.
Or Wet and wet.

So a quick figure out of the finances and a hasty trip to the Argos website to see what we could get for our money.
Said old drier is not getting a decent burial - it's being sent to the dump cos io can't afford the bloody money to get it buried, cremeated or whatever you do to send a knackered drier on it's way to drier heavewn/hell/valhala.

So it should be delivered within a week. I'll be the one lost at the bottom of the wet washing pile!!!!

Then i decided to text the workers for tomorrow.
One texted back to say he wasn't meant to be working and wasn't sure when he'd be back on!! Duh - like why couldn't you have told me this on thursday evening when i texted to see if friday was ok??  He said then that he wasn't picking Peter up cos he was still on holiday!! (nice work if you can get it!!)
So i ended up taking Peter to college. Which was ok, cos i wanted to speak to the course leader to update him on a few things.

Ok, i  could have phoned the team leader and tried to sort something out, but i'm just pissed - it's not HER fault.
And anyway - i'm going to leave Louise to stew and then get her to phone Caroline in the morning.  He he he - Louise on a monday morning, on a rant - i'd rather go a few rounds with Attila the Hun, Gengis Kahn, Mike Tyson and Muhammed Ali!!
THe travel buddy thing was ok, but i honestly think that it's only really good as a short term thing - i don't think it's the right thing for Peter yet. Yes, he knows how to get top college on the bus, can tell you what number to get - but we can't account for others on the bus. Just his luck he'd end up with some wise guy who would take the mickey.
Or something would happen and the bus ends up going a different route cos of something. Or the bus driver takes a strop and decided he wants his break early and everybody has to get off.

My brain is fuddled, i need my bed and i need the space police to take me off somewhere nice and quiet where i can read all the books i bought from Waterstones and have a cup of tea in peace!!! 

Nae luck i suppose - those guys are never around when i need them.

So i'm going to pour myself a drink, down it in a couple of sups then head to bed to snuggle under the new duvet bought a couple of days ago.


  1. poor you, poor tumble drier but like the sound of the new duvet, nice and warm for this weather!

  2. oh we needed it!!
    The feather one was ok, but the blasted feathers end up at the bottom!! And i was finding that Primark king size covers were too big for my KS duvet!!!
    So i bought a super KS and it fits great - so i get some duvet in the morning insted of just a bit of the cover!!!!

  3. Love it Julie...esp the the country with 2 seasons!!
