

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Day 2 in the quiet house.................

Well, it's still quiet!!
I had a peaceful morning, footering about, tidying up, having a shower in peace with no demands from others to get in to the bathroom. Hung out some washing and then went to town to pick up out tickets for tomorrow.
Normally, it would be a rush to get in, then back home, but since i don't have any bodies to worry about, when they'll be home demanding food and clean clothes, it was nice to just t ake my time. I went to the bus station as well to book our tickets for going to Skye in August.
Went to M+S and bought some goodies for our train journey and headed home..

Louise was in, so we caught up and made our arrangements for the morning. THen she headed off for work.

So it was Me, Matthew and the cat. We did our things and chilled.
Till Matthew and i realised that we didn't know where Lilo actually was!!
Last i'd seen she was on the window sill in the living room.
Matthew had gone to the shops and was thinking that maybe Lilo had xlipped out.
But this is the cat who runs a mile in the opposite direction when you open the front door!!! She is a big fearty about the outside world unless she is in the comfort of her carrier!!!!

We called her name.
We rattled her dish.
We YELLED her name.
We looked in the washing machine.
the cupboard under the stairs.
In the washing basket, behind the couches and just about everywhere else.

We left her for a while thinking she'd come pattering in to the living room.

Nothing, zich nada.
Not even a whisker or a hair!!!!

Eventually, i went back upstairs to look. I KNEW she couldn't have got into the rooms, cos all the doors were closed. I called her name again and heard a faint sound.
Mmmmmm methinks.
Now - Matthew said he had looked in the part of the hall upstairs between the bathroom and the cupboard. To be honest, this is a bit of a dumping ground and even tho it does get tidied, it's a job you start, then think, ach, hell, this'll do.
So it still looks like a dump!!
after a few seconds, i saw this pair of eyes peering out at me!!!
MATTHEW - I've found her!!!

Lilo was sitting in the huff under a box!!! We think she is missing the boys and cos Matthew and i don'tplay with her like they so, she took the huff and hid!!
We do play with her, but it's not the same.

Oh, man - i was nearly in tears!!

Mind you, by the time we got her outta there, i could have strangled her!!!!

The boys phoned just after tea time. Paul sounded a lot more relaxed than he did yesterday. They went canoeing today and on the big swing.
THe swing looks good and scary all at once - you start off low down and it can be raised up high and you SWING!!!!! Peter stayed on right till the end!! Paul came off before that.

Tomorrow they are going sailing and on the power boat.
Tonight was karaoke - i could hear the music in the background - it sounded good!!!

COntrol freak worry wart mum has still been locked away and has been told she's not getting back out till friday evening!!!

So now i'm going off to sort a few things for the morning, then to bed - have a long day tomorrow!


  1. Gl@d you loc@ted the kitty. Whew! & I giggled @t this: "Control freak worry wart mum has still been locked away and has been told she's not getting back out till friday evening!!" heehee

  2. lol you are so funny. Hope Wednesday goes ok :)
