

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Acting like a Peer of the Realm........................

......................And swearing at the ceiling!!!!!
Just two of the things that i got up to yesterday and i really enjoyed it!!!!

Let me explain, lest you think i have turned left at the top of the road instead of right and wandered into the nearest loony bin!

Paul and i were at an open day yesterday, arranged by the British Stammering Association. The theme of the day was loosely based on the film The Kings Speech.

The day was spent in the Teachers Building here in Glasgow. Lovely place, in the centre of town. Used to be owned by a whisky company, but now holds conferences and events. A lot of the rooms are now names after whisky brands (Laphroig is one for all you who like your tipple!!) and things like the Mash room and the Still room.

So Paul and i arrived about 10 and went off to have a cuppa and mingle. We did know one or two people, but not many. But like - when has that ever stopped me from trying to get to know people!!!!

About 10.30 we went thru to the lecture theatre for the 1st session. An intro from Norbert (CEO of the BSA. but i'm sure he just wanted to make sure where i was in case i started heckling from the cheap seats!!! Moi?? Heckle??? Not at that time in the morning - maybe after lunch!!)
We had a Speech Therapist telling us of the Give Voice campaign - which sounded really good - Like George VI said "i have a voice" and we should be allowed to use it.
She threw some stuff at us about stammering and communication disorders. The thing that DID get me was that a lot of young offenders have speech and communication problems. Much as Paul has had a stammer for several years and Peter has communication problems, it just didn't cross my mind that this would be a section of young people who would be affected. Maybe the "angry young man" we often hear about is angry because for some reason he just can't communicate it to others

Jackie Bird (BBC Scotland news - for those of you who don't reside in Scotland and hear her dulcet tones most days!!) was a speaker. I didn't know that she had a stammer till recently. She had a very humourous take on it, but it was laced with times of AAARRRGGGGHHHH when she just couldn't get words out. She doesn't know WHY she went into a job where she has to plank herself in front of a camera and speak - maybe, she reckons, it was just sheer determination.
John McAllion an MP was there as well and said that even now, there are people in his world who don't know he stammers - but again  - he went  in to a job (teaching, then politics) where he had to get up and talk.

We then had some workshops. Paul and i chose to go to the one about how to deal with lectures and tutorials at college and uni. A speech therapist was doing this one and whatever i expected (not sure what that was!!) it wasn't to be that. She had us write down a time when we didn't really want to get up and speak and how we felt. Round the group, we all introduced ourselves and told of our hated scenario. To be honest, i didn't matter if you were fluent or had the worst stammer ever - none of us wanted to look stupid, or bring down a joint presentation or to muck it up.
It was good form me to see that everybody has this fear.
We talked about ways we could lessen the fear, what works for some won't for others. And that scaredy feeling hits in at different times for everybody.

Then lunch!!!!
Mmmmm - lovely nice sandwiches, fruit, crisps and 2 bowls of tablet. Lovely sweet tablet!!! Now, in my hose THAT would have gone first and then the fruit and then the sandwiches. I did pretend to nick one of the bowls filled with the tablet - mind you, Norbert looked at me with that "put it DOWN Julie" look!!!

The man never learns - he stalked me in Mr Speakers house to make sure i didn't get flung in the tower!!
You CAN take me somewhere - usually the 2nd time is to apologise and the 3rd is to take back the cutlery and good china!!!

Our afternoon workshop was entitled Logue," Maverick or Magician?"
We could have talked about it all afternoon, but since we were short on time and Jan was long on activities, we pressed on. We thought about what mavericks and magicians are, talked about Kings and what our thoughts were on that. Now, Jan, forgive me if i get everything in the wrong order, but we were having such a good time and laughing...................

We had to walk around the room pretending to be royalty and act the way we thought they would. Then we were to talk to each other like we were royalty.

Then we lined up and we were to use the names of the last 2 streets we lived in to make up a double barreled name and we had to introduce ourselves as Lord or Lady!!! The best bit for me was when i got to Paul and snootily said - *i'm you're MOTHER!!"

Jan then had us on the floor and we were to swear at the ceiling - we were to try out columns of air - small, long, whatever and hear our voices.
It was great anad helped us all relaxed.

We'd have liked to go to the media workshop, but Paul had shopping to do - honest Emma - the pressie is lovely, but my lips are stapled shut!!

We did have a cuppa and a chat with folk before we left - i'll name drop again - Graeme Dufffin (drummer from Wet, Wet, Wet) was there!!! Oh man - just as well i don't get giddy amongst those who are of fame!!!

Oh - and Paul entertained us at lunchtime with his clarinet playing - he IS good - but then, as mum i'm biased!! (and i'm also the one in the corner chewing her fist, lest he drops a note or nobody else likes him!!!)

So that's how i spent my saturday!!!

Oh - and thanks to Norbert, Jan, Frank and the others who organised the day - it was really enjoyable, loads of fun and we're up for another day!!!


  1. I really enjoyed reading about the events of your saturday but one thing caught my attention. You mentions a bowl of "tablet". What in the world is that?

  2. Oh wow, you hob nobbing again with the rich and the famous??? And the tablet would have gone in a flash in our house too!

    Odie, tablet is a sweet Scottish sweet that is homemade and very very delish! Pure sugar really but quite addictive.

    I did laugh at the image of you swearing at the ceiling! Did you have a few rellies in mind???
    Mention no names......

  3. 'You CAN take me somewhere - usually the 2nd time is to apologise and the 3rd is to take back the cutlery and good china!!!' lolololol....priceless!!

  4. Odie - Lynne has described the tablet way better than i eve could!! It appeals to the sweet toothed among us!!
    Lynne - i know not of what rellies you are talking off. And that's a big fat lie if ever there was one!!!
    Linda - you should know all these facts about me!!!
    BTW - i think i may have the salt cellar you mum nicked from the cafe!!!!

  5. the 'gift' that keeps on 'giving' ;-)
