

Monday, 6 December 2010

The best laid plans....................

.............Usually go out the window when i make them!!!

My plans for today were to wait in for a delivery and get the christmas presents wrapped. Paul had gone off to school,  Peter had been picked up for college and Louise and Matthew were going to a funeral.

So once everybody was out, i wrecked the bedroom looking for the pressies, wrapping paper and tags. Got them downstairs and got the ironing board up!!
No - i DON'T iron the pressies - it's just the easiest way to get them done if i have somewhere to lean on!!!!

Made a start and then there was a knock @ the door - Peter was back!
Crikey - how do i explain this to him, mmmmm - mum is helping santa????
The travel buddy said he'd got a text from his boss to say that college was closed, so they headed back home.
I persuaded Peter he really did want to watch a DVD, while i went off to check that college was  indeed shut. Turned out that they were telling all the supported students not to come in today cos of the snow.

I managed to get some pressies done and then Louise appeared - looking like a yeti!!! She said that traffic was crawling if lucky and stopped if not - it seems that no one was going anywhere!
Still trying to do these presents and a call from Peter's worker that was due to pick him up tonight - she's just about snowed in @ her house!!
No buses doubtful about trains - no one is getting anywhere FAST!!!

Back to those pressies - until a frantic call from Paul. He said that if i wanted him to head home, i was to phone school and say it was ok for him to come home due to the weather. Ok - but it took me half an hour and several attempts to get thru to school!!!

Arrgghh - these presents may be wrapped in time for next christmas!!!

Eventually Paul got home i'd just about done all the pressies, but 2 seem to have gone walkabout!! Paul's portable DVD player, which i did see upstairs, but had vanished and the gift card for Peter with Euros for the holidays.

Strange - this kinda thing frequently happens chez johnston. Things go walkies and then turn up in strange places!!!

matthew got home - another yeti case and i am refusing to go over the door for the next oh - 6 months!!!


  1. oh Julie, I nearly spat out my tea when I read the bit about you getting the ironing board up! Made me laugh :)

    I am afraid, getting nowhere fast is my middle name at the moment. I always start off really well, ahead of everyone with the buying of prezzies etc then it all goes to shit!

    Oh well, ho hum, such is life. Keep smiling.

  2. Yeah - i'm good at making plans then the "unmaking plan" elves come to call!!
    Makes fun for trying to explain to Peter @ times!! ANd the psychs were a bit miffed when i suggested autism!!!
